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visitors: 14208

[ 公司简介 ] 发送询盘

Todd Green started the company in 1980. Todd was sixteen years old and a junior in high school. The first thought was to put company logos on baseball caps. The company quickly took off and achieved some major sales including Nautilus Health Spas, Kiwanis International, Hook's Drug Stores, Southland Carpet Supplies and many more while still in high school. The need to import baseball caps quickly became apparent and the first importing was started.
Todd started at a local college, moved out and started pushing the business forward. The first year in college, C-Stores were identified as an additional market to move more caps, so we could import our own. We landed Village Pantry, a 180 store chain based in Indiana. The caps started selling and the DSD business was underway. The customers liked the sales and needed more of the NEW fresh merchandise. Novelty Distributors was born.
With two years in college and two thriving businesses, something had to change. Todd dropped out of school

[ 求购类别 ]

  -   礼品,工艺品   >>   礼品
  -   礼品,工艺品   >>   艺术用品
  -   服装,纺织和配饰   >>   饰品
  -   玩具,游戏和运动   >>   玩具
[ 销售类别 ]

  -   礼品,工艺品   >>   礼品
  -   礼品,工艺品   >>   艺术用品
  -   服装,纺织和配饰   >>   饰品
  -   玩具,游戏和运动   >>   玩具

[ 公司概况 ]
icon 注册日   2005/03/26
icon 您在EC21的身份   卖家
icon 经营模式   制造商
icon 公司成立时间   1989
icon 员工人数   501 - 1000
icon 年营业额   人民币 3000万元 -- 5000万元
icon 企业所有形式   美国合资企业
icon 注册资金   人民币 3000万元 -- 5000万元
icon 出口率   91 以上
icon 外国人投资比率   91 以上

[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 美国诺维特有限公司上海代表处
icon 街道地址 上海长宁区荣广大厦701室 20000
icon 电话号码 86 - 021 - 6203359
icon 传真号码 86 - 021 - 32083536
icon 公司网址 www.noveltyinc.com
icon 联系人 刘丽云 / 外贸销售

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电话:86-21-62083359 传真86-21-62083536